You can also find my codes on my Github repositories.
Codes for Papers
DAMAS-FISTA-Net for the “Learning an Interpretable End-to-End Network for Real-Time Acoustic Beamforming”
Baseline of DAMAS-FISTA-Net for the “Learning an Interpretable End-to-End Network for Real-Time Acoustic Beamforming”
ANCME for the “Adaptive Sparse Estimation of Nonlinear Chirp Signals using Laplace Priors”
NGDME for the “Sparse Nonlinear Group Delay Mode Estimation”
Lp-TNN for the “A Robust Low-Rank Matrix Completion Based on Truncated Nuclear Norm and Lp-norm”
AVNCMD for the “Adaptive Variational Nonlinear Chirp Mode Decomposition”
FFT-DFISTA & FFT-DADMM for the “High-Resolution Source Localization Exploiting the Sparsity of the Beamforming Map”
Codes for LaTex Template
LaTex Template for PhD Application
LaTex Template for Author Rebuttal to Paper Reviewers (Conference)
LaTex Template for Reviewer View Manuscripts and Score
Several classic Acoustic Beamforming methods (scan-frequency) for acoustic imaging
Several classic Acoustic Beamforming methods (fixed-frequency) for acoustic imaging
Several classic Matrix Completion methods for low-rank matrix completion